About Me

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Chelsea and Nick get hitched!

Nick has been a good friend of ours since we moved to South Carolina and he met his bride while here.  She is an extraordinary lady who I instantly clicked with.  It was a pleasure to be able to take their wedding pictures.  She is pregnant with their first child, a little girl named Andi, who will be making her grand appearance the beginning of March!  I can't wait!  Congrats again to two very lovely people <3

Johnson Family Mini

The Johnson Family were the lucky winners of  my Halloween giveaway!  Their son had the most votes on his Halloween picture so they received a free mini session!   Zander was the sweetest little boy!  He is so full of life and energy!  Emily was/is expecting their 2nd child this winter/spring time and Big brother was very excited!  Wishing them all the best in 2012!

McLin Family

Jenna and her husband just celebrated having their first son together.  He is absolutely adorable!  He was only 2 months old when he daddy left for deployment and Jenna moved back home.  They are such a sweet couple and their little boy was so very good natured due to the heat and rain he had to suffer through to get his pictures made =).  I hope that they are well and eagerly awaiting daddy's return from deployment!

Military Ball - Cinderalla Moments

Amanda came to me asking to take pictures of her and her husband dressed up for the Marine Corps Military Ball this past year.  She had a bit of a rough start to her day but she looking stunningly beautiful.  I don't believe she had anything to worry about =). 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

May Family Session

The May Family is very speical to me.  I have known them for more than 10 years and have been more like a family to be then just good friends.  Crystal and I have been friends since high school and have had our share of time in trouble together =).  I was honored when Mama May asked me to take family pictures for them, with the newest addition to their family, granddaughter Rose.  Beyond thrilled to share these <3